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We reject the unilateral dissolution of the Initiative of the Communist and Workers’ Parties. Call for reconstruction! – Statement of PRCF

We reject the unilateral dissolution of the Initiative of the Communist and Workers’ Parties. Call for reconstruction

Today, November 9, 2023, after a plenary meeting of all the members of the Initiative of the Communist and Workers’ Parties (founded in 2013 and of which the PRCF is one of the founding members) and after about two hours of debate where, yet, no majority was emerging to go in this direction, a closing speech by Comrade Giorgos Marinos unilaterally decreed the dissolution of the Initiative. It was added that it would now be prohibited to use the call or the logo of the Initiative. The decision was not put to a vote.

Since the meeting took place on «zoom», it was technically impossible for many parties wishing to protest against this overt anti-democratic act to protest. Our comrade Boris Differ even asked in writing on the thread «Why would there not be a vote on this?». The only response was that there would be no second round. Then the written thread was disabled.

Whatever the possible divergences at the international level, and in particular the appreciation of the NATO-Russia conflict in Ukraine, we consider it unjustifiable to dissolve the international tools of struggle forged in the struggle and the trust gained over the years.

We suggest to the parties members of the Initiative who are surprised by this brutal dissolution to contact us to reflect together on the best way to continue the international fight consubstantial to the communist activity on the basis of the maxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism, and without opposing communist internationalism and the broad development of the anti-imperialist Front.

For the PRCF and the International Commission of the PRCF Fadi Kassem, Georges Gastaud, Gilliatt de Staerck, Rachida El Fekair, Boris Differ, Aymeric Monville